September 5, 2016 10:20 amPublished by lydiaComments Off on LOLO YS & NYCHOS in Providence, Rhode Island
This Summer, Lolo YS and Nychos made a trip out to Providence, Rhode Island to paint for a project entitled “Influx”. Curated by Inoperable Gallery and sponsored by the Avenue Concept. Providence, Rhode Island is a city whose contemporary public art scene is surprisingly new, given that it is home to the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design. In a city where street art giants like Shepard Fairey first studied and painted in the streets decades ago, it is only in the... Read more..
August 4, 2016 1:04 pmPublished by lydiaComments Off on OUT NOW: “The Dissection Of A Human” – Anatomy Sheet NO.5
After we have seen the skeleton and the skull of a human, it is time to take a closer look. The dissection of a human not only allows us to see what’s important on the inside, it also shows us what the modern human can’t live without these days. Dissection of a human is out now and available on: The REM Anatomy Sheets is a series of 10 black and white limited edition screen prints. All together, the 10 sheets... Read more..
June 30, 2016 11:00 amPublished by lydiaComments Off on OUT NOW: THE SKULLS – ANATOMY SHEET NO. 4
“THE SKULLS” – ANATOMY SHEET NO. 4 After showing you the skeletons of three characters in the previous sheets we now give a comparison of their skulls. While they have different skulls, they share the same weird mind. The Skulls is out now and available on: The REM Anatomy Sheets is a series of 10 black and white limited edition screen prints. All together, the 10 sheets tell the story behind the Rabbit, the Raptor and the Human Body... Read more..
June 15, 2016 4:21 pmPublished by lydiaComments Off on NYCHOS / DISSECTION OF SIGMUND FREUD / FROM VIENNA TO NEW YORK / 2016
NYCHOS / DISSECTION OF SIGMUND FREUD/ SPITTELAU, VIENNA/ 2016 // PHOTO BY SILKE LAPINA NYCHOS dissected Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis. On paper, on a wall…and in the 3rd dimension. The art installation “Dissection Of Sigmund Freud” – Nychos’ biggest 3D sculpture so far – is going to be exhibited between June 16-18 in the course of Vienna Therapy, a project by Wien Tourismus on the Flatiron Plaza, New York. Only a few days later, the artists going to open his... Read more..
May 28, 2016 7:22 pmPublished by lydiaComments Off on “AESOPICA” / DXTR THE WEIRD / LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY 2016
“AESOPICA” – AESOP’S FABLES / DXTR THE WEIRD / LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY 2016 DXTR The Weird recently painted a stunning mural in Louisville, Kentucky. We asked him to tell us the story behind “Aesopica” and are more than pleased to share it with you: “I like to add meaning to the symbolism that I’m painting. In this case, the elements are based on fables by the greek fabulist and storyteller Aesop. If you look closer, each icon and panel tells a story, but... Read more..
May 27, 2016 12:51 pmPublished by lydiaComments Off on BANGKOK MELTDOWN: ARYZ, NYCHOS & ROA AT BUKRUK 2016
We still owe you a recap of our journey to Bangkok for BUKRUK II, so here it is. Thailand’s capital is vibrant and shrouded by a cloud of thin and warm air. Inspired by the culture, the traffic and the heat, european muralists Aryz, Nychos and Roa left behind their marks on the streets of Bangkok. In fact, their pieces are (literally) melting into the walls of the city. Thanks BUKRUK for having us. and big thanks to Naxatras... Read more..
May 10, 2016 6:49 pmPublished by lydiaComments Off on OUT NOW: DEINONYCHUS SKELETON – ANATOMY SHEET NO. 3
“DEINONYCHUS SKELETON” – ANATOMY SHEET NO. 3 Photo by: Silke Lapina On Sheet No.3 we reveal the basis for the art of slicing. The story goes back to a certain raptor and it’s claw. Deinonychus Skeleton is out now and available on:…/ind…/sArticle/131/sCategory/7 The REM Anatomy Sheets is a series of 10 black and white limited edition screen prints. All together, the 10 sheets tell the story behind the Rabbit, the Raptor and the Human Body in Nychos‘ art... Read more..
May 7, 2016 6:31 pmPublished by lydiaComments Off on EXHIBITION OPENING: THE UNSEEN – HIPHOP PORTRAITS BY DANIEl SHAKED
It’s hard to tell whether Daniel Shaked first fell in love with photography or rap music. Since the time of his teenage years he is fascinated by both genres. Back then, Austria’s media did not pay attention to HipHop at all. In 1997, Daniel Shaked reacted to this lack of media coverage and founded The Message, Austria’s first HipHop magazine. By now The Message has reached the position of an opinion maker in Austria’s Urban Art and music scene and receives outstanding critics from national and international fans and artists. Over the... Read more..
April 14, 2016 4:24 pmPublished by lydiaComments Off on OUT NOW: “THE RABBIT SKELETON” – ANATOMY SHEET NO.2
“THE RABBIT SKELETON” – ANATOMY SHEET NO.2 Our Anatomy Sheet series continues with screen print No. 2/10. After revealing the skeletal structures of the human body, we show you how the bones of our fellows look like. The Rabbit Skeleton is out now and available on: The REM Anatomy Sheets is a series of 10 black and white limited edition screen prints. All together, the 10 sheets tell the story behind the Rabbit, the Raptor and the Human Body in Nychos‘ art work. In... Read more..