12 July, 2015
From June, 21st to June 27th POW! WOW! organized their latest mural festival in Long Beach, California – a festival, which has its roots in Hawaii but managed to expand to different cities all around the world. Nowadays, POW! WOW! is internationally known for bringing all kinds of artists together in order to connect them with each other and to provide space for their work. This year, POW! WOW! made stop in Long Beach and pushed it to the next level: Besides organizing large scale walls for muralists to paint, they set up a breathtaking exhibition,... Read more..
12 April, 2015
Right in time for the world premiere of our documentary THE DEEPEST DEPTHS OF THE BURROW we release our brand new movie-collection: REM Baseball-Shirt , Travel To Paint, Paint To Travel, unisex, black/white, THE DEEPEST DEPTHS OF THE BURROW movie-collection, 2015 https://rabbiteyemovement.at/shop/detail/index/sArticle/105/sCategory/6 REM T-Shirt, The Deepest Depths Of The Burrow, unisex, black, THE DEEPEST DEPTHS OF THE BURROW movie-collection, 2015 https://rabbiteyemovement.at/shop/detail/index/sArticle/106/sCategory/6 REM Bag (classic), The Deepest Depths Of The Burrow, unisex, black, printed double-sided, THE DEEPEST DEPTHS OF THE BURROW movie-collection, 2015 https://rabbiteyemovement.at/shop/detail/index/sArticle/110 REM Bag, The Deepest Depths... Read more..